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= 25 and Price <= 50 ";break; Case 3: $sSQLbase = " and Price >= 50 and Price <= 75 " ;break; Case 4: $sSQLbase = " and Price >= 75 and Price <= 100 " ;break; Case 5: $sSQLbase = " and Price >= 100 and Price <= 150 ";break; Case 6: $sSQLbase = " and Price >= 150 and Price <= 200 ";break; Case 7: $sSQLbase = " and Price >= 200 and Price <= 300 ";break; Case 8: $sSQLbase = " and Price >= 300 ";break; } $sSQL = $sSQLba . $sSQLbase . " ORDER BY date ASC;"; switch ($iSortby){ Case 0: $sSQL = $sSQLba . $sSQLbase . " ORDER BY date DESC";break; Case 1: $sSQL = $sSQLba . $sSQLbase . " ORDER BY date ASC";break; Case 2: $sSQL = $sSQLba . $sSQLbase . " ORDER BY Item ASC" ;break; Case 3: $sSQL = $sSQLba . $sSQLbase . " ORDER BY editorsrating ASC" ;break; Case 4: $sSQL = $sSQLba . $sSQLbase . " ORDER BY editorsrating DESC";break; } $mysql = mysql_connect("localhost","402441_admin","NuvvMJ.."); mysql_select_db( "402441_motorbikenews" ); $rowsPerPage = 5; $query = "SELECT COUNT(category) AS numrows FROM prrev WHERE category =".$iCategoryID." and active " ; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $iRecordtotal = $row['numrows']; $query = "SELECT COUNT(category) AS numrows FROM prrev WHERE category =".$iCategoryID." and active " . $sSQLbase; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $iRecordcount = $row['numrows']; // how many pages we have when using paging? $iPagecount = ceil($iRecordcount/$rowsPerPage); If ($iPage > $iPagecount) { $iPage=$iPagecount ;} $offset = ($iPage - 1) * $rowsPerPage; echo '
Motorcycle '.$sCategoryName.'
'; $query2 = "SELECT * FROM prcat WHERE category =".$iCategoryID." "; $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); while ( $DOC = mysql_fetch_object( $result2 )) { echo $DOC->catdesc; } $plabel = "pages"; if ($iPagecount == 1){$plabel = "page";} $prlabel = "products"; if ($iRecordcount == 1){$prlabel = "product";} echo '
'.$iRecordcount.' '.$prlabel.' selected from a category total of '.$iRecordtotal.' on '.$iPagecount.' '.$plabel.'
'; $sSQL .= " LIMIT $offset, $rowsPerPage "; if ($iRecordcount <= 0 ) { echo '
nothing Unfortunately we cannot find any reviews that match your criteria.
';} Else { $Result = mysql_query($sSQL); $my_var = 0; $mystr = 999999; $sFeatured = "ZZZ"; $j = 0; while ( $DOC = mysql_fetch_object( $Result )) { $iLinkID="$DOC->primkey"; $sLinkName="$DOC->Item"; $iRating="$DOC->editorsrating"; $sLinkDescription="$DOC->summary"; $dDate_Added="$DOC->date"; $sURL="$DOC->URL"; $simage="$DOC->image"; ?>
'.$sLinkName.'MSE Ratings
'; echo '

'; echo ''; if ($suppress != "NR"){ echo ''; } if ($DOC->Price < 0.01 ) { echo ''; } else { echo '';} $dayear = substr($dDate_Added,0,4); $damonth = substr($dDate_Added,5,2); $daday = substr($dDate_Added,8,2); $maydatets = mktime(0,0,0,$damonth,$daday,$dayear); $maydate = date("jS F Y", $maydatets); echo '
'; echo 'Read more '; echo 'Read the full review
price£'.$DOC->Price.' '.$DOC->pricequal.'
Added'; echo 'Date Added: '. $maydate.'
Source Source: '.$sURL.'
rate me Rate this item
review Review this item
'; echo '
'; // user rating $iratcnt = 0; $itotal = 0.0; $query3 = "SELECT * FROM prrat WHERE itempk =".$iLinkID." "; $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); while ( $DOC3 = mysql_fetch_object( $result3 )) { $iratcnt = $iratcnt + 1; $itotal = $itotal + $DOC3->rating; } $daverage = number_format ($itotal / $iratcnt , 2); echo ''; if ($iratcnt > 0) { echo '';} if ($iratcnt < 1) { echo '';} $query4 = "SELECT * FROM prurev WHERE ID =".$iLinkID." "; $iratcnt = 0; $result4 = mysql_query($query4) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); while ( $DOC4 = mysql_fetch_object( $result4 )) { $iratcnt = $iratcnt + 1; } echo ''; if ($iratcnt > 0) { if ($suppress != "NR"){ echo ''; } } else { echo '';} echo '
Editor ratingEditors rating:- '.$iRating.' '; $ir10 = $iRating * 10; $counter = 1; while ( $counter <= $ir10 ) { if ($counter == 10 || $counter == 20 || $counter == 30 || $counter == 40){ echo '';} else { echo '';} $counter = $counter + 1; } echo '
members'; if ($iratcnt > 0){ echo 'Members rating:- '.$daverage.'';} else { echo 'No votes';} echo ''; $ir10 = $daverage * 10; $counter = 1; while ( $counter <= $ir10 ) { if ($counter == 10 || $counter == 20 || $counter == 30 || $counter == 40){ echo '';} else { echo '';} $counter = $counter + 1; } echo '
From '.$iratcnt.' votes
Be the first to rate this item
ReviewTotal member reviews'.$iratcnt.'
Read the full review
Be the first to review this item
'; echo '
'; ?> '; } } ?>
1) { $page = $iPage - 1; $prev = " "; $first = " "; } else { $prev = " "; // we're on page one, don't enable 'previous' link $first = " "; // nor 'first page' link } // print 'next' link only if we're not // on the last page if ($iPage < $iPagecount) { $page = $iPage + 1; $next = " "; $last = " "; } else { $next = " "; // we're on the last page, don't enable 'next' link $last = " "; // nor 'last page' link } // print the page navigation link echo "" . "
" . "
".$first." ".$prev." Showing page $iPage of $iPagecount pages ".$next." ".$last."
". "
"; ?>

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