GoogleCustom Search
Link Directory
3){echo '' ; $iSpan=1;} $iCategoryID= "$DOC->CategoryID"; $sCategoryName= "$DOC->CategoryName"; $sCategoryDescription= "$DOC->CategoryDescription"; echo ''; } ?>
Link Categories
'.$sCategoryName.' ('; $querycnt = "SELECT COUNT(URL) AS numrows FROM tblLinks WHERE category =".$iCategoryID." and Active='Y' "; $resultant = mysql_query($querycnt) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed 2'); $rowing = mysql_fetch_array($resultant, MYSQL_ASSOC); $iRecordcount = $rowing['numrows']; echo $iRecordcount; echo ') '; $querynew = "SELECT * FROM tblLinks WHERE category =".$iCategoryID." and Active='Y' ORDER BY Date_Added DESC"; $resultnew = mysql_query($querynew) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed 3'); $iNewLink = 0; $ThisDate = date('Y-m-d') ; while ( $DOCNEW = mysql_fetch_object( $resultnew ) ) { $difference = dateDiff('-', $ThisDate,$DOCNEW->Date_Added) / 86400 ; If ($difference <= $iDaysforNewlisting ) {$iNewLink++;} } if ($iNewLink > 0) {echo '';} echo '
'; if ($BlnShowCategoryDescriptions=1) {echo $sCategoryDescription;}; echo '

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; while ( $DOC = mysql_fetch_object( $result ) and $jjj < $iLatestlinks ) { $jjj = $jjj + 1; $dDate_Added = "$DOC->Date_Added"; $dayear = substr($dDate_Added,0,4); $damonth = substr($dDate_Added,5,2); $daday = substr($dDate_Added,8,2); $maydatets = mktime(0,0,0,$damonth,$daday,$dayear); $maydate = date("jS F Y", $maydatets); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo '
Latest links added
'; echo ''.$DOC->Name.'
date added:'; echo $maydate; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; ?>