MkII Hustler 250cc
![Suzuki T250-2 Hustler](SUZUKI_T250_SMALL.jpg)
Illustarted September 1970
You have probably
read the previous reports of the Mk II Hustler.
We have, and were a little disappointed, and
very surprised to note the apparently low top
speed of the machine-somewhere around 85 mph.
Not so very long ago, this would have been regarded
as creditable, extremely so for a little Trike
but experience with other 250s, and more pointedly,
Suzukis' other 250s, and the T200 made us suspicious.
Before we accepted delivery of the Hustler,
the speedometer had been replaced by a serviceable
unit, but as was proved later, the clutch had
not. During high speed runs, maximum speeds
deteriorated from a first time one way attempt
of approximately 90 mph, down to 80 mph and
less. Whatever the road speed though, the engine
refused to co-operate and continued returning
its own optimum performances, allowed to by
a slippery clutch. Revs were piling up into
the blood line (8000-9000 rpm) while the speedometer
needle doggedly refused to do anything more
than backslide at the slightest provocation.
Tall, American, or scrambles style handlebars
had been fitted up to this time. Satisfied that
the one way run top speed with them of 90 mph
was all tnat could be expected of the 250 engine.
I removed them and clamped in place a flat handlebar,
and from then on the clutch slipped, despite
painstaking attention to control re-adjustments
required after the cable re-routing. Worth noting
are the Japanese clean handlebar layout advantages
and disadvantages. On the credit side, is the
electrical control placing. Dip, horn and flasher
switches are within an alloy casting matching
the throttle clamp at the other end of the bar,
which itself is drilled beneath the switch to
take the wiring trunk along its centre, out
of sight.
To swap bars therefore becomes a major task,
involving careful attention to the wking system,
and its subsequent re-connecting-the debit side.
As the ckcuit is right out of the weather, though,
and without the weight of its own trunk hanging
free below the bars, tugged by the wind, the
likelihood of failure is considerably lessened.
The lighting and ignition switches are contained
within one unit below the steering head, and
the ckcuits are both energised by successive
clicks of the same key. A good, and perfectly
functional idea, but as I have complained previously
on other machines, ensuring that emergency ignition
cut-outs are impossible at speed. It only requires
a stuck junction box slide, or jammed throttle
cable nipple, and whoever you are, you're in
trouble, whether it be of the riding or engine
type. Fitting the new bars, required the tank
and seat to be removed, an easy enough task,
revealing the frame and its workmanship to full
view. In the best Japanese traditions, the Suzuki's
quality was confined to the working parts of
the machine. They could not be bettered, and
were above criticism, but the frame, fuel tank
and some of the other cycle parts were obviously
built down to a price. The welding for instance
was ragged, but for all that, the components
appeared to be no less robust than their British
or German counterparts. ,
This time around East Anglia, up to the Fens
and then home to London via Northampton and
the A5. The wide, open roads and bends of Norfolk
led into the wider and even more open bends
of Holland, Lincolnshke. It takes some time
to become so familiar with a machine that it
becomes part of you, at least is does with me,
so it was not until I reached Norwich that I
was able to start evaluating, or truly testing
the Hustler to its limits.
The Mk II Hustler is not so very different
from the Mk I, but both vary from the Super
Six in major as well as minor differences. Greatest
improvement is the addition of an extra transfer
port in both cylinder barrels. Low speed power
always was good on the T20, but it is even better
on the T250 Mk II. Maximum torque for instance
comes in at the same revs as previously (7000
rpm) but with the addition of another 2 ft Ibs,
resulting in 22.3 in all, claimed by the factory.
Optimum power steps in at 1000 rpm above this,
at a claimed 33 bhp, and this is a great deal
more than the Super Six, which although perhaps
the fastest in its class when hi production,
turned out 29 bhp at 7500 rpm-a claimed performance
of course.
Unlike the T200 and other machines I have ridden
from Suzuki, and suspected of misplaced optimum
power revs, I cannot harbour quite the same
suspicions for the Hustler, although it too
benefits from "over revving" although
to a much lesser degree. The rev counter blood
line begins from 8000 rpm, which I suspect is
a thoughtless hangover from Super Six days,
for how is it possible to obtain maximum speed
from a motorcycle when maximum power can only
be achieved by encroaching into the manufacturer's
informedly danger zone'.' Optimum performance
cannot be effected by riding up to maximum power
revs, and then halting the engine just on the
power dot for the next gear change; an action
that can do no more than drop revs once more
below the top power band. The thing to do was,
and is on most two strokes, to ride by sensitive
ear, seat, and right fist, and when either one
or other of the two instrument needles start
dragging thek feet, then change up again, and
this, with a six speed box, as used on the Hustler
went on for ever! It was like climbing a ladder
on my left foot only. Wonderful stuff! In the
lower gears of course, because less power was
requked to propel the machine along, higher
revs were simple. Right up and over the 9000
top danger limit with ease, in all gears. Such
revs returned a top speed of 100 mph.
The speedometer proved to be seven mph fast
at top speed; three mph at 60 mph, and as near
accurate as dammit at all speeds below that.
Maximum gear speeds were: 1st (20.8:1) 29 mph;
2nd (13.40) 52 mph; 3rd (10.37) 60 mph; 4th
(8.04) 80 mph; 5th (6.97) 96 mph; 6th (6.34)
98 mph; This requked 9000 rpm on the clock.
Two stroke engineers have one big point to thek
advantage, at least, multi cylinder two stroke
engineers have. Whereas a four stroke requkes
a big flywheel to smooth out the"power
impulses, a two stroke engine, by enjoying twice
the number of impulses per revolution, returns
a much smoother power delivery, and against
the thumping big single so beloved by many motorcyclists,
offers a "false" low speed torque,
when in fact very little power indeed is being
produced by the engine, but because of the multitude
of firing strokes, keeps the engine turning
smoothly, long after an equal cylindered four
stroke would have given up the ghost. Suzuki
have made the most of this. Strong power, the
real bhp only comes in at highish revs, from
somewhere above and between 5500 and 6000 rpm,
but below this quite enough is churned out,
combined with a good smooth power delivery and
torque, to keep the wheels turning, and even
results in very creditable acceleration. Of
course, 30 mph in top gear was, although possible,
not practical, and moreover, with the multitude
of close spaced gears just below, unnecessary.
Around town, solo, bottom gear could be ignored,
and second used for take-offs fast enough to
leave the turgid four wheeled mess so far behind
they had no time to even feel envy. Once on
the move, only the next two gears were required
for all town work, assuming of course that speed
limits were reasonably acknowledged, if not
to the letter.
The gear box, one time, perhaps the achilles
heel of the Suzuki 250 range, has been improved
and strengthened, but not at the expense of
the delightfully light, sensitive, and utterly
reliable gear change. Once the first change
had been made (because of the wider gap between
the lower gears than the higher ones) then,
as is fast becoming Suzuki practice, the clutch
could be ignored, providing of course, the resultant
gear changes were pursued with this in mind.
Up or down, the trick seemed to be to get the
engine revs above 3,500, and then with scarcely
more than a hint of movement on the throttle
to relieve the gears of their load momentarily,
snick to the next ratio as quickly as possible.
I found the gears to be ideally chosen, especially
top, when, sitting bolt upright at 90 mph (flat
out) 8,000 revs registered on the revcounter.
Such a speed could be held indefinitely of course,
so near to the engine's peak efficiency speed
was it. Against a strong headwind, or particularly
steep hills, top speed was higher in fifth gear
by a couple of mph, but nothing more. Two reasons
accounted for this. Firstly, the wide power
spread of the engine. Unlike the Kawasaki Mach
HI say, when unless 6000 rpm was pulled it all
gasped to a growling halt in top gear, the Hustler
kept purring out power enough to keep speed
up in top, right down to the rider's whim. Then
of course was the fact of the well chosen final
ratio. Fine for me, but Nick Barnes of Suzuki
(GB) at Snetterton found it necessary to drop
from the standard 41 tooth'rear sprocket down
to 39 for his high speed runs, for the Hustler
with his eight stone aboard was running out
of revs as it topped the three figure mark.
He registered a top speed of 102.3 mph electronically
timed. Alan Aspel, on the lower standard gearing,
but wearing Harbour suit, and two stones heavier,
98 mph, and myself, leathers, 12'/2 stone, exactly
the same speed. Which only goes to grove how
important, and relevant are a multitude of extraneous
circumstances. Had I attempted for instance
to discover the machine's top speed with the
high gearing, and wearing a Barbour suit it
would have in all probability resulted in no
more than 85/90 mph.
The clutch, once replaced, behaved itself perfectly.
The fust one had been maladjusted, the new unit
however, was light, sensitive and smooth, never
grabbing or slipping regardless of (normal)
provocation through heavy traffic, or fast starts.
While talking clutches, and gear changes, and
what-have-you, I thought it amusing enough to
mention the simplicity with which if not tunes,
then quite definitely, varying octaves can be
coaxed from the engine by the delightful and
simple method of quickly singing through the
top four gears. I discovered that by holding
the throttle at a steady 4500/5000 rpm, and
then running up and down through the gears,
allowing them to find their own rev level, brought.a
succession of notes from the engine that could
nSt have been bettered by a fioog synthesiser.
Doesn't prove a thing really, except that giv4n
enough practice I would at least have mastered
one musical instrument, One moreoever that would
take me to the concert.
The frame is the same as before, but with stronger
gusseting around the steering head. Suspension
too has not altered, except for the trendy discarding
of fork shrouds. The action of front and rear
systems are well matched. Both are soft and
lightly damped, offering great comfort at lower
speeds, and sure footedness under most conditions
at high speed.
As I said previously, it takes me some time
to really fasten on to a new bike, so it could
have been that, but I suspect, that it was in
fact the normal Japanese practice of pandering
to the well fed bottoms of our Atlantic cousins
that prompted the rear units to start surrendering
to high speed cornering once I was into Lincolnshire
and rounding the Wash. Maybe by that time they
had warmed up, but according to the manufacturer,
that should make no difference, for they are
helium filled under pressure. The theory being
that the pressurised, inert gas inhibits damping
fluid frothing. Maybe it does, I expect so,
but in that case the damping itself should exert
a more powerful influence on the handhng of
the machine. As the Hustler is such an ideal
little touring bike, absolutely begging for
loaded panniers, sunny holidays and a blonde
on the pillion, to clamp in a set of fierce
racing units would be a pity; it doesn't deserve
such harsh treatment, for the speeds that beat
the units cannot often be realised in this country—for
a good many reasons, mainly to do with the law.
For the rider demanding the ultimate in handling,
most good Suzuki dealers offer alternative equipment,
which if ordered as original equipment on a
new machine is in most cases less expensive
than buying at a later date.
Braking comes into this category. The rear
one is fine, and so is the front one up to a
point, but using it hard at high speed and under
load to its limit resulted in not exactly fade,
but certainly a disappointing relaxing of the
initial grip. Like all tls units, its fkst bite
was a strong one, and suggestive of greater
things; even a little daunting in the wet, but
smooth and utterly controllable for all that.
Like the roadholding, braking was more than
adequate for everything except the limit of
Lighting was good. The headlamp, a funny little
angular squashed up unit that I liked for its
logical size (who wants more than is necessary),
gave a light enough for 65 mph night riding,
but the 12 volt alternator turns out enough
power for at least a 50 w bulb, so why not use
one instead of the present 35 w power? Flashers
were valuable during night rides especially,
and high speed riding during daytime, but required
thoughtful consideration otherwise. The switch
was too close to the left hand, and too small
and easy to accidentally knock into operation,
for my complete satisfaction. But I aint grumblin'.
I am all for them. They are the greatest safety
contribution to motorcycling since the crash
The massive paper air cleaners also effectively
silenced induction roar, which would, I suspect
from some rumbling undertones during acceleration,
have overpowered the well silenced exhaust note.
The silencers are huge, and vital to performance.
A notice stamped into them states that any tampering
is strictly forbidden and will hinder the engine's
(to my mind) quite extraordinary efficiency.
Petrol consumption worked out to a final all
round figure of 38 mpg, but that was under extremely
hard riding conditions. More gentle handling
provided an increase of approximately 8 mpg
more. Many riders could improve on that, but
I found the temptation to wind on hard irrisistible.
Finish of the "bike . . .? Who knows.
As I have said previously, only a long term
owner can comment. It looked good though, in
brilliant yellow, black and chrome.
Lastly the tyres. The Japanese apparently think
we are being a bit silly about our insistence
on Dunlop or Avon tyres, and quote their American
replacement orders. Most riders ask for the
same again and only a few buy British. It is
not surprising. Avon and Dunlop are small people
in the USA; no bigger than any one of a dozen
Italian or Japanese companies. Of the few American
riders who know anything about hysteresis rubber
and its advantages, most no doubt consider it
to be nothing more than advertising blurb. Few
of them ride regularly in the rain. Why should
they bother with tyres that claim to grip in
the wet. If our climate was a dry one, we would
not use the grippy rubber, even had it been
invented, and that I doubt. 1 shall never forget
reading one of the American magazines' serious
claim that riding a Vincent in the wet was bordering
on lunacy. It probably is for them It s an everyday
occurrence for us. Believe me, Suzuki. British
riders have more experience in wet weather riding
than probably any other motorcyclists in the
world. Anyway, discussions are now taking place
between the Japanese, and British Suzuki companies
regarding the possibility of supplying T500
Mk Ill's with British tyres. In a few months
To sum up. From tick over at 1700 rpm, through
the power band up to over 9000 the engine could
not be faulted. Smooth, silky power all the
way. Oil tight, gas tight. Nearly 300 mpp of
oil used by the Posiforce system only. White
exhaust pipes at the end of it all. And most
of all, a couple of very impressed, supremely
satisfied journalists
- Engine: bore and stroke;
54 x 54 mm.
- Compression ratio; (corrected)
754:1. Four star petrol used throughout.
- Power; 33 bhp at 8000 rpm.
- Torque; 22.3 ft Ibs at
7000 rpm.
- Lubrication; Posiforce
pump injected oil to cylinder walls and crankshaft
- Gearbox; six speed, constant
- Clutch; wet, multi plate,
geardriven on r.h. side machine.
- Electrical system; 12 v
crankshaft mounted alternator. Twin coil contact
breaker ignition. 35w headlamp.
- Wheels; front, 18 x 2.75
in., rear 18 x 300 in. Brakes; front 7 in.
tls. rear; 7 in. sis.
- Fuel tank; 2% gall. Tap;
vacuum operated diaphragm type.
- Weight; with full tank
and oil 315 Ibs. Pctee; £338.
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