1955 Triumph TRW 500 cc Twin
Cylinder Military Model
Between the World Wars the British War Office
felt it would be an advantage to have a standard
military motorcycle for the forces, instead
of the variety of modified civilian machines
previously used and a small unit was maintained
to test and evaluate any such models manufacturers
submitted. In the twenties and thirties a number
of machines were tested and found wanting and
only once was a design approved by the War Office
for production. That was a 500cc BSA twin with
OHV valve gear, which was surprising as hitherto
the War Office had showed preference for side
BSA only agreed to produce it if they were
permitted to market a civilian version, which
they did. However, it did not sell well, being
rather expensive even when enlarged to 750cc
for sidecar work. These military special V-twin
BSA's were in use by all services in modest
numbers as the probability of another war loomed
and in view of the tremendous quantities that
would be required, plans on another universal
service machine had to be scrapped in favour
of modified civilian models, mostly plodders
as the specification stipulated a maximum speed
of about 65 mph. OHV models had to be de-tuned.
No sooner were hosilities over than the idea
of a standard services model was revived. Twin
cylinders were now favoured as being quieter
(but with side valves) and BSA and Triumph produced
prototypes. The Triumph was chosen but cost
too much for the services budget. However, Triumph
had a very successful 500 ec OHV multi purpose
lightweight Trophy model developed for the International
Six Days Trials and the side valve twin, designed
for the prototype, would fit into it and cut
The authorities agreed the compromise and the
TRW, with various colour schemes, gave excellent
service to our forces and those of many other
countries around the world. Only machines supplied
for the Royal Signals Display Team had the deluxe
finish seen here. When sold off after service,
TRWs became popular with Vintage and Classic
riders as very pleasant lightweight tourers,
with off road ability and because fo their ancestry,
a number have been fitted with OHV twin Triumph
engines to produce lookalike Trophy models.