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Harley Davidson SS250 Gallery

Hoping to draw even larger groups of riders into the Harley-Davidson fold, the Motor Company continued to explore the options offered by smaller, more nimble machines. The SS-250 was a larger version of the earlier SS-175 and was meant for use on the street. For those wanting on-and off-road capabilities, the SX-250 was at their avail. The two-stroke motor displaced 250 cc, and rowed through a five-speed gearbox for maximum flexibility and eager response. Not a huge hit in its first year, the SS-250 still filled the needs of many riders.

Bike Image Description
1975 Harley Davidson SS250 1975 Harley Davidson SS250
  • Air cooled, two stroke, single cylinder
  • 114kg
  • Drum/Disc brakes
  • 5 speed
1975 Harley Davidson SS250 Harley Davidson SS250
1975 AMF Harley Davidson H6 SS250 1975 AMF Harley Davidson H6 SS250

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