The Department of Transport today published its long awaited Traffic Advisory Leaflet (TAL) on The Use of Bus Lanes by Motorcycles 02/07.
IHIE hopes that the new TAL will overcome the hesitation of those local authorities who, relying on the previous advice in LTN 1/97 Keeping Buses Moving, have been wary of allowing Motorcycles to access bus lanes along with Cyclists and Taxis.
This was despite the evidence of the last ten years, highlighted in the Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers (IHIE) Guidelines for Motorcycling ~ Improving safety through engineering and integration, that shows motorcycles can use bus lanes with no road safety other road users but with reduced crashes to motorcycle riders.
Commenting on the publication of the TAL, IHIE Vice President, Tony Sharp, who also chairs the National Motorcycle Council's Traffic Management sub-Group, said;
"Motorcycles should be seen as a valid part of our transport system but they are also 'vulnerable'. Previous trials have shown that there is significant potential to reduce crashes by allowing motorcycles to access bus lanes. The new advice makes it clear that it is now up to Local Authorities, in consultation with ALL effected stakeholders, to decide where they will or will not allow access into bus lanes by motorcycles."
Copies of the TAL can be downloaded from the IHIE Web site,