Motocross community rally round to help Laurie - December 2nd 2004
16-year-old Laurie Squirrell, the first female motocross racer to gain
expert status in the United Kingdom, was seriously injured and left
paralysed from the chest down while competing in the Women's Motocross
Association World Cup in San Antonio, Texas last week.
After an extensive operation on Monday to stabilise her back injury,
Laurie is in line to be evaluated for additional treatment at a clinic in
Colorado or Israel. Unfortunately, such treatment costs a lot of money.
In an effort to help Laurie and her family with the costs of this
treatment, the motocross community has rallied together to start a donation
and collection drive. If you wish to contribute to this, please do not
hesitate to make a contribution to the following bank account:
- Beneficiary: Laurie Squirrell
- Bank: Barclays Bank
- Sort code: 20 82 75
- Account Number: 70820342
- Branch: Stow Market / Needham Market
- SWIFT Code (for transfers from overseas): BARCGB22
Charity auctions will be held on eBAY with rider equipment having been
donated by a large number of professional riders in the sport. Details will
be published soon. Any members of the public who wish to send Laurie words
of encouragement, can do so to, a mailbox set up
for this purpose.
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